28 Mayıs 2013 Salı

"Space Dittos" (1962?)

"Ditto" from 1962

Come away with me to the dark ages of space flight in the classroom and the world of dittos.

"Dittos" were paper sheets distributed in the classroom and created by using a spirit duplicator.


They were called dittos because they were made on a machine manufactured by "Ditto" and they were usually "aniline purple."

They tended to fade over time so you rarely see ones from the 1960s.  However the ditto masters themselves were sold pre-made to teachers in sets.

I found a set of (1962?) books which shows the contents of one of these science sets. These were tiny (3" x 6") books showing what the final printed image would look like. So the teacher could look through the book to preview which image they wanted to print.

This seemed to be from a 1962 set of science worksheets for 6th graders because they mention John Glenn and Alan Shepard.

 Notice the "cute" cartoons at the bottom from "Sammy Science!"

This one is from the 4th grade book

Maybe of interest to only a few of you but I am fascinated how information about space flight "trickled" down to children via school.

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