28 Mart 2007 Çarşamba

Two links, one quote and a song

Mark Thwaite reviews Aharon Appelfeld's All Whom I Have Loved in the Daily Telegraph.

Michael Roloff concludes his passionate defence of Peter Handke.

In an obituary of actress and producer Nicole Stéphane, Tom Vallance reports François Truffaut's response to her request for him to direct a film version of Proust's Swann's Way:
Having reread Du côté de chez Swann, it was perfectly clear to me that I should not have anything to do with it, that no one should. Even so, though it would be sacrilegious to adapt Proust for the cinema, there is something terrible about uttering the words: no, I'm sorry, I'm not interested.
And finally, one of my favourite songs and its lyrics (BTW, why are lyric pages always full of glaring errors?). Mmm, anyway, twang those steel gee-tars.

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