29 Ekim 2009 Perşembe

Man-made Moons :The earth satellites and what they will tell us. (1957)

Another satellite book for you. This one was copyrighted in 1957 but published in 1958. Probably because the author needed to update the text at the last minute.
Adler, Irving. Illustrated by Adler, Ruth. Man-Made Moons : The Earth Satellites and What they tell us. New York : John Day Co. (128 p.) 21 cm.
See also revised as part of Adler. “Seeing the Earth from space…” (1959).



1 kilo kabak
1/2 çaybardağı sıvıyağ
Kabaklar soyulur , yarım santim kalınlığında dilimlenir, yağlı kağıt serili tepsiye yerleştirilir, üzerlerine tuz serpilip yağı ilave edilir, harmanlanır 200 derecede ısıtılmış fırında kızartılır.tabağa dizilir ortasına domates sos konulur. İstenirse sarımsaklı yoğurtla birlikte servis yapılır.

28 Ekim 2009 Çarşamba



1 kilo taze fasulye
2 adet kuru soğan
3 adet domates
3 yemek kaşığı zeytinyağ
Tuz, 1 tatlı kaşığı şeker
3 adet mandalina suyu
Fasulyeler ayıklanıp yıkanır, yemeklik doğranan soğanlar, tencerenin dibine yerleştirilir , üzerine fasulyeler konulur , en üste kabuklarını soyup küçük doğradığımız domatesler , tuz ve şeker
ilave edilir, mandalina suyu ve zeytinyağı fasulyelerin üzerlerin gezdirilip kısık ateşte pişmeye bırakılır suyu az gelirse sıcak su ilve edilebilir.
NOT :yemekteyiz programında Nil burak portakal suyu ile yapmıştı, çok beğenildiği için denedim ben bakla, kereviz yemeklerini portakal ve mandalina suyu ile pişirdiğim için lezetinin güzel olacağını biliyordum, bizler beğendik umarım sizlerde fasulye bitmeden dener ve beğenirsiniz .

Kayıp Zaman III ve Yağmur

Efenim uzun süredir yazamadım. Çılgıncasına mailler kapımın önünce yatan milyonlar niye yazmıyorsun diyen insanlar. Hepsini elimin tersiyle ittim. Sonra uyandım...
Hayatımın ne yöne akacağı konusunda bir güncelleme yaptım kendi içimde.
Mehmetin gelecek planları v.987 crackli dosya. Orjinalini kaybettim.

-Yazın 3 ayımı fransada geçirip ardından ben mühendisim o la la çok güzel bir ülkeniz var dö la pasyon dö la mozaik diyerek oturum izni için başvurmaya karar verdim. 1 Senelik oturum izni alırsam kafidir gerisi kolay.

-İki üniversite diplomamı asıp karşısında içmeye karar verdim. Kendi çapımda bir ego tatmini, inceden bir huzur, geçmişin güzel şeyleri.

-hala gelecek planlarına sahip olabilme yetime sevindim. Her günün bir geleceği var bende. Anı yaşamak güzel bir şey.

-Askerliğimi yapmadım ben ona karar vermedim. Bedelli gibisinden birşey düşünüyorum. Gerci bugune kadar devlete verdiğim paralarda 3 sanıye askerlık yapsam yetmesi lazım ama neyse

bu arada feci yağmur yağıyor. Islanmadım...

24 Ekim 2009 Cumartesi

Thomas Bernhard's Prose

In May 2010, the first translation of Thomas Bernhard's early stories is due from Seagull Books, distributed by the University of Chicago Press. The website provides the following information: "First published in German in 1967, these stories were written at the same time as Bernhard’s early novels Frost, Gargoyles, and The Lime Works, and they display the same obsessions, restlessness, and disarming mastery of language. Martin Chalmer’s outstanding translation, which renders the work in English for the first time, captures the essential personality of the work. The narrators of these stories lack the strength to do anything but listen and then write, the reader in turn becoming a captive listener, deciphering the traps laid by memory—and the mere words, the neverending words with which we try to pin it down. Words that are always close to driving the narrator crazy, but yet, as Bernhard writes 'not completely crazy.' "

Next May was looking Bernhard-Good already as Penguin Classics is reissuing his great late novel Old Masters. And, to keep to the theme of new books from genuinely great Austrian authors never to win the Nobel Prize, in February FSG is publishing Peter Handke's Don Juan: His Own Version in Krishna Winston's translation: "a book about storytelling and its ability to burst the ordinary boundaries of time and space." Do you think they is going for the Audrey Naffeneggernogger market?

UPDATE: Thanks to Gwilym Williams who provides news of the exhibition Thomas Bernhard and the theatre opening next month in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna where, of course, Old Masters is set. The exhibition features:
Numerous documents from the estate of Thomas Bernhard, as well as composition drawings and stage photographs, help to illustrate one of the most exceptional careers in the history of Austrian literature and theatre – one that alternated between spectacular triumphs and headline-grabbing scandals.

Kırgızlar Türbesi / İznik

Yenişehir Kapı dışında surlardan 250 m. ileride İznik-Yenişehir asfaltının sağındadır. İznik'in Türkler tarafından fethi sırasında yararlılıklar gösteren Kırgız Türklerinin anısına, Orhan Gazi tarafından 1331 tarihinde inşa ettirilmiştir. İçinde yedi büyük ve bir çocuk lahdi bulunmaktadır. Türbe, mimarisi ile kalem işi süslemeleri bakımından büyük değer taşır.

23 Ekim 2009 Cuma

Exploring Earth and Space: The story of the I.G.Y. (1957)

Hyde, Margaret O. Illustrated by Geary, Clifford N. Exploring Earth and Space: The Story of the I.G.Y. New York : Whittlesey House. (160 p.) 21 cm.
Also written in response to the anticipated start of the International Geophysical Year, this book devotes 4 chapters to research rockets, biomedical testing of animals and satellites. Illustration of rockets and an Earth satellite (theoretical). The text shows how space travel and exploration of space in the public mind was thought to be imminent but it was not urgent. See 1958 reprint. Also 1959, 1963, 1967, 1970 editions.

22 Ekim 2009 Perşembe

Roy Gallant

A redirect for today. Wired magazine has highlighted the book art from one of my favorite non-fiction children's book authors, Roy Gallant. His 1955 book Exploring the Moon and 1956 Exploring Mars have great illustrations by Lowell Hess.

Check the article out here:


21 Ekim 2009 Çarşamba

Exploring by Satellite: The Story of Project Vanguard (1957)

More theoretical satellite books for children! Project Vanguard had a strict timetable for the IGY so several authors created these books as being of topical interest. The events of early October, 1957 makes these books look quaint.
Branley, Franklyn M. Illustrated by Wimmer, Helmut K. Exploring by Satellite: The Story of Project Vanguard. New York: Thomas Y Crowell. (40 p.) 27 cm.
Written pre-Sputnik the text cover the plans for Project Vanguard as part of the I.G.Y. It goes on to discuss the possible uses of satellites for observation of the Earth and space. It ends with a discussion of a space station and manned exploration of the planets. Illustrations of rockets, satellites and a space station. Containing some of Helmut Wimmer's earliest paintings for children which are spectacular.

20 Ekim 2009 Salı


4 adet ortaboy kereviz
1 adet soğan
2 yemek kaşığı sıvıyağ
300 gram kıyma
2 adet domates( veya1 yemek kaşığı salça
Maydanoz, yarım limon
Tuz, karabiber, pulbiber
K erevizler ayıklanıp yıkanır, ortalarından ikiye bölünüp içleri oyulur , limonlu suda hafif haşlanır . Kıyma tencereye konulur, suyunu çekene kadar pişirilir, sıvıyağ ve yemeklik doğradığımız soğan ilave edilerek birlikte kavrulur 2 adet domates kabukları soyularak ilave edilir suyunu çekinceye kadar pişirilir , ince kıydığımız maydanoz , tuz ,karabiber ve pulbiber eklenir. Haşladığımız kerevizlerin içlerine doldurulur, üzerlerine birer dilim domates dilimi konulup haşladığımız kerevizlerin suyunuda ekleyip kerevizler istenilen kıvama gelinceye kadar pişirilir .

1 kilo kereviz
1 adet soğan
2 adet havuç
1 su bardağı bezelye
2 adet portakal suyu
tuz, şeker
2 kaşık sıvıyağ, 1 kaşık zeytinyağ
Kerevizler ayıklanır yıkanır, istenilen büyüklükte kesilir , üzerlerine limon sıkılır. Soğan yemeklik doğranır, havuçlar küp küp doğranır, soğan ve havuçlar birlikte sıvıyağda kavrulur. üzerine kerevizler konulup biraz kavrulur az su ilave edilerek biraz pişirilir, haşlanmış bezelyeler ilave edilir , sıktığımız portakal suyu, şeker, zeytinyağ ve tuz eklenip kerevizler yumuşuyuncaya kadar pişilir.

19 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi

The Earth Satellite: Man's first true space adventure (1957)

Happy 52nd (and 15 days) anniversary of the lunch of Sputnik 1! OK I just was trying to come up with one for today and thought about satellites. With the US joining into the IGY, there were a number of books in 1957 issue (pre-sputnik) to talk about this new science. So while the adults were out of the loop, children knew satellites were coming. I will try to show off some of the pre-and post Sputnik books during the next couple of days.
Lewellen, John. Illustrated by Scheib, Ida. The Earth Satellite: Man's First True Space Adventure. New York: Alfred A Knopf. (59 p.) 22 cm.
A wonderful basic book about satellites and space exploration written pre-Sputnik. The text focuses on how a satellite would get into orbit and how would it stay there. There are additional chapters on viewing the satellite, the use of satellites in the future, and manned space exploration. Illustrations of rockets, satellites, and space suits.

18 Ekim 2009 Pazar

Amigurumiciler TEKNOBİLET dergisindeyiz

Dilek,Betül,Semra ,Yasemin

Yazı ayın başında çıktı aslında.Ben yeni fırsat bulduğum için şimdi yayınlıyorum.Çok keyifli bir söyleyişi olmuş.Ayrıca çok sevdiğim ve zevkle takip ettiğim arkadaşlarım da var.Kimler mi ?
ve ben tabii.Umarım yakında amigurumi örgü oyuncakları her eve girer.
Ben zorunlu olarak birazcık ara verdim örmeye.Bu beni çok mutsuz etse de,kolum geçer geçmez yine döneceğim oyuncak dünyasına.
Teşekkür Teknobilet !!!


1 kilo patlıcan
2 kaşık un
2 kaşık tereyağ
Kaşar peyniri
750 gram kuzu veya dana kuşbaşı et
2 adet orta boy kuru soğan
2 adet domates
2 adet yeşil biber
2 adet küçük kırmızı acı biber
Tuz, karabiber
1 kaşık tereyağ
Patlıcanlar közlenip soyulur, limonlu suda bekletilir.( kararmaması için )
Un teryağında kavrulur, patlıcanlar iyice ezilip kavrulan una katılır, içine yavaş yavaş sütü eklenir, kaşarpeyniri , karabiber ve tuz eklenip ateşten alınır.
Etler teflon tencereye konulur, suyunu çekince tereyağ eklenip biraz kavrulur, soğanlar yemeklik doğranır etlerle birlikte iyice kavrulur, küçük doğradığımız biberler, domateslerde eklenip domatesler suyunu çekene kadar pişirilir, etler pişmemişse çok az sıcak su eklenir suyunu çekince ateşten alınır .
Patlıcanlar servis yapacağımız geniş bir tabağa alınır üzerine hazırladığımız etler konulup sıcak servis yapılır.

15 Ekim 2009 Perşembe

"Space travel and guided missiles" from the World Book Encyclopedia

Just a quick one today. "Space travel and guided missiles" from the World Book Encyclopedia. Encyclopedias (remember those?) sometimes would gather a couple of their articles and print them as a separate pamphlet. Sometimes this was advertising to get you to buy the encyclopedia and sometimes it was meant for schools to supplement the curriculum. Something fun and colorful for a grey morning.

13 Ekim 2009 Salı

The Golden Book of Astronomy (1955)

As I mentioned before, some of the best space art is in the children's astronomy books. This one stars the art of John Polgreen, one of my favorite space artists. He went on to illustrate a number of my favorite space books from the 1950s.

Wyler, Rose and Ames, Gerald. Illustrated by Polgreen, John. The Golden Book of Astronomy: A Child's Introduction to the Wonders of Space. New York: Golden Press. (97 p.) 33 cm.

Text focuses on astronomy with illustrations of the Moon, planetary surfaces, the solar system, and star maps. Last section includes illustrations of astronauts and rockets. Also 1959, 1965 editions.

12 Ekim 2009 Pazartesi

Heroes of Space Series: Wernher von Braun, Yuri Gagarin, and Apollo Astronauts

Three for one day at Dreams of Space! Wanted to highlight a great non-fiction series: Heroes of Space.
The titles in the series are:
Wernher von Braun, Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn, and Apollo Astronauts.
Goodrum, J C. (1969). Wernher von Braun, space pioneer,. [Huntsville Ala.]: Strode Publishers.
Akens, D S. (1969). John Glenn, first American in orbit,. [Huntsville Ala.]: Strode Publishers.
Sharpe, M R. (1969). Yuri Gagarin first man in space,. [Huntsville Ala.]: Strode Publishers.
Richey, B J. (1970). Apollo astronauts first men to the moon,. Huntsville Ala.: Strode Publishers.
Written in response to the impending moon landing these are very interesting biographies published in Huntsville, AL.
They got some very knowledgeable people to write these and they encapsulate in 4 books the development of manned spaceflight and how man got to the moon.
BJ Richey was space correspondent for the Newhouse News service and worked for the Huntsville Times. John Goodrum was an Apollo engineer and a staff member on the von Brun team.


8 adet yumurta
400 gram un
1 fincan su
1 kabartma tozu
1 su bardağı şeker
7 su bardağı şeker

7 su bardağı su
1/4 limonun suyu
Yumurta, şeker mikserle 10-15 dakika çırpılır,1 fincan soğuksu ilave edilir iyice çırpılır un kabartma tozu ile birlikte elenir,yumurtalı karışıma yavaş yavaş kaşıkla karıştırılarak eklenir , yağlanmış tepsiye dökülür 180 dereceli fırında pişirilir , soğuyunca dilimlenir , şerbet kaynatılır içine 1/4 limonun suyu sıkılır sıcakken soğuyan tatlının üzerine dökülüp üzerine bir tepsi kapatılır şerbeti çekince servis yapılır .

1 paket hazır yufka
300 gram tereyağ
Yeterince fındık veya ceviz
3 su bardağı su
5 su bardağı şeker
1/4 limonsuyu
Şerbet 10 dakika kaynatılır, limon suyu sıkılır, bir taşım daha kaynar 2-3 dakika bekletilir soğuk tatlıya dökülür.
Yufkanın kenarına ceviz veya fındık konulup oklava ile birlikte sarılır,büzdürülüp oklava yavaşça çıkartılır, tepsi yağlanmadan tepsiye dizilir. Yufkalar sarılırken diğer yufkalar çabuk kuruyor o yüzden temiz ıslak bir tülbentle diğer yufkaların üzerlerini örtmek gerekiyor
Üzerindeki malzemelere göre yağ eritilir,(300 gram tereyağ) tatlılın üzerine eriyen yağ dökülüp ısıtılmış fırında kızarana kadar pişer, tatlı soğuk şerbet sıcak olacak

1 kilo kuru incir
1 su bardağı ceviz
1 su bardağı şeker
2 su bardağı su
1 su bardağı süt
İncirler soğuk su ile ıslatılıp 1 saat kadar bekler
Ceviz ve şeker karıştırılır, incirlerin sapları kopartılır , ceviz ve şeker karışımı içlerine doldurulur, üzerlerine 2 su bardağı su konulup kısık ateşte suyunu çekene kadar pişirilir .Piştikten sonra soğuk süt eklenip biraz daha pişirilir, soğuyunca sevis yapılır.

11 Ekim 2009 Pazar

The secret centre: Blanchot and The Turn of the Screw

An essay that has stirred me lately is Blanchot's on the importance of Henry James' notebooks in relation to his development as a writer and in particular to his story The Turn of the Screw; "As the years pass", Blanchot writes, "and as James moves in a more deliberate way toward himself, he discovers the true significance of this preliminary work that is precisely not a work."

Endlessly, he speaks of these hours of preparation as "blessed hours," "wonderful, ineffable, secret, pathetic, tragic" instants, or even as a "sacred" time, when his pen exercises "an enchanted pressure," becomes the "deciphering" pen, the magic needle in movement, whose turns and detours give him a premonition of the innumerable paths that are not yet traced.

Blanchot asks: "Why this joy, this passion, this feeling of a wonderful life, which [James] cannot evoke without tears, to the point that his notebooks, "the patient, passionate little notebook becomes ... the essential part of my life"?".

This question and Blanchot's answer stirs me because I have noticed with surprise how much enjoyment I take in making notes; how much more, that is, than in the actual production of a work.  Against initial assumptions, I sensed it is too easy to dismiss this as an eternal delay of the real thing or as the unobtainable carrot of perfection, but have never really appreciated why. We all know about Bruce Chatwin's attachment to his Moleskine notebooks, and how he offered a reward to anyone who could return one lost, but this reliance on the information contained within is something other than that addressed by Blanchot. The essay is so rich that it is difficult not to quote from every page, so this will be the betrayal of even a potted summary. In mitigation, the essay itself offers a good summary of the essence of Blanchot's form of engaged reading; a reading that does not lead to or from any theory.

The beginning of the essay looks at possible subjects of The Turn of the Screw before concluding, after various detours, that the subject remains a secret. However, it is not a secret to be found outside the story, in biographical anecdote or in speculation, but at the very centre of the story: its words, or, better, its writing. The subject, Blanchot says, "is – simply – James's art, the way he has of always circling round a secret that, in so many of his books, some anecdote sets in operation, and that is not only a real secret – some fact, some thought or truth that can be revealed – that is not even a detour of the mind, but one that escapes all revelation, for it belongs to a region that is not that of light." The anecdote – which may on the surface be the subject of a traditional reading – appears then only as a means to produce the experience "not of the narrative that he must write but of its reverse, from the other side of the work, the one that the movement of writing necessarily hides and about which [James] is anxious". This then is why notes produce an enchanted pressure. The other side of the work, the secret centre, is written and not written.

What can then be called the passionate paradox of the plan with James is that it represents, for him, the security of a composition determined in advance, but also the opposite: the joys of creation, which coincide with the pure indeterminacy of the work, which put it to the test, but without reducing it, without depriving it of all the possibilities that it contains (and such is perhaps the essence of James's art: each instant to produce the entire work present and, even behind the constructed and limited work that he shapes, to make other forms felt, the infinite and light space of the narrative as it could have been, as it is before any beginning).

How difficult that is, to subject a narrative in each instant to the pressure of its secret centre! Perhaps the ability to do this – perhaps rather to let it occur, involving both guile of craft and stubborn resistance to the easy gifts of craft – is the secret of great writing.

All this may seem typically cranky. Oh yes, here we go, Blanchot is turning a famous ghost story into  metafiction. Except Blanchot ends with a remark piece of evidence. What, he asks, does James call "this pressure to which he submits the work, not to limit it but on the contrary to make it speak completely, without reserve in its nonetheless reserved secret, this firm and gentle pressure, this pressing solicitude ... ?". The answer is to be found in the notebooks themselves. James calls it "the very name he chose as title for his ghost story: The Turn of the Screw. 'What can my case of K. B. [a novel that he will not finish] give, once submitted to the pressure and to the turn of the screw?' " "Revealing allusion" Blanchot says:

It confirms to us that James is certainly not unaware of what the "subject" of his story is: this pressure that the governess makes the children undergo in order to tear their secret from them and that they also perhaps experience on the part of the invisible, but that is essentially the pressure of the narration itself, the wonderful and terrible movement that the deed of writing exercises on truth, torment, torture, violence that finally lead to death, in which everything seems to be revealed, in which everything, however, falls back again into the doubt and void of the shadows. "We are working in darkness – we do what we can – we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion, our task. The rest is the madness of art."

An amusing irony for me is that this essay is one that has produced not one note in my Moleskine. Re-reading only a few sentences begins to close down the everyday busyness of thought and instead demand a renewed attention to the region that is not that of light, that escapes all revelation. Indeed, having read Blanchot with a patience one can gain only through reading Blanchot again and again, one begins to see this region illuminated both in every creative work and in one's own work to come. More prosaic, shorthanded, ideological, historical or psychological readings, readings of which this blog is inevitably and apologetically one, no matter how convincing they are in their own way, rarely casts the reader so far and so deeply into the sovereign realm of writing.

Note: all quotations are from The Book to Come.

Zone and literary translation

Introduced by Chad Post of Open Letter Books, Charlotte Mandell reads from her new translation of Mathias Énard's ZONE. From part four onward she talks about literary translation with EJ Van Lanen, also of Open Letters.

9 Ekim 2009 Cuma

Beyond the Moon: Future explorations in interplanetary space (1971)

Just got in an upgraded copy of this. I love this cool cover.

Colby, C.B. Beyond the Moon: Future Explorations in Interplanetary Space. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan. (48 p.) 28 cm.

Primarily a heavily annotated photo album. This one is notable for its space art of space shuttle prototypes, and timetables of space stations, Moon bases and exploration of the solar system. Reprinted several times with a new photographic cover.