4 Ağustos 2008 Pazartesi

Dante, Proust and Blanchot: more links!

A TV Dante
Ubuweb presents Peter Greenaway's and Tom Phillips' A TV Dante from those special early years of Channel 4. It features Bob Peck as Dante and John Gielgud as Virgil, with commentary along the way from Tom Phillips himself and, er, David Attenborough.

Untranslated Proust
Until now that is! The Lemoine Affair is a novella made up of Proust's pastiches of famous French writers published as part of Melville House Books' Art of the Novella series.

Translated: Sollers on Blanchot
In the previous post, I linked to Philippe Sollers' review of Blanchot's political writings. Now it's available in English courtesy of Maitresse. Interesting perhaps for the anecdotes it contains and - something one doesn't see often in relation to such a restrained writer - the violence of its journalistic summaries.

UPDATE: Two things have been pointed out to me by someone who read Sollers more closely. Sollers says: Blanchot speaks of "Comrade Castro", but does not seem to perceive the existence of Solzhenitsyn. But of course there are many references to the Gulag in The Writing of the Disaster. And then: let us not [forget?] that Freud is a glaring missing element in this apocalyptic vision. Perhaps he forgot that there's a major essay on Freud in The Infinite Conversation as well as allusions in The Writing of the Disaster, specifically the passages beginning: 'A Primal Scene ?'.

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