31 Ocak 2015 Cumartesi

SwiftKey Keyboard APK

SwiftKey for Android was recently updated in the Google Play Store with Chinese language support. This new update brings simplified Chinese, Taiwan traditional Chinese, and Hong Kong Traditional Chinese input options to use on your Android phone or tablet. Along with Chinese language support, this app also has a new theme to celebrate the Chinese New Year. And we’ve got the APK for you, as always, the latest APK file is available below.

SwiftKey Keyboard

Let's get straight to the change log for the new SwiftKey version:
Chinese support
• Simplified Chinese - QWERTY Pinyin, 9-key Pinyin and Stroke input methods
• Taiwan Traditional Chinese - Full Key Zhuyin, 9-key Zhuyin and Stroke input methods
• Hong Kong Traditional Chinese - Cangjie, Quick Cangjie and Stroke input methods
New Languages
• Khmer
• Lao
Additional Improvements
• General bug fixes
• SwiftKey Store optimizations

Will you be getting this SwiftKey update? Check out the app for free in the Play Store and let us know your thoughts on this latest features update. And if you can't get it in the Play Store you can download SwiftKey APK by clicking the download button below.

Requires Android: 2.3+
Download File: 28MB (SwiftKey Keyboard APK)

SwiftKey Keyboard APK

The Device

The Device
Yapım Yılı :  
Lisan :  
Turkce Altyazı
Tür :
Yönetmen : 
Jeremy Berg
Oyuncular : 
Angela DiMarco / David S. Hogan / Kate Alden /Gabriel Congdon / Lorraine Montez / Ben Andrews / Morgen Johnson / Russell Hodgkinson
Abby ve Rebecca kardeşler ormanın derinliklerindeki kulübelerinde bir kürenin neler yapabileceğini araştırıyor. Uzaylıların gerçek olup olamayacağı üzerine düşünen kardeşler korkunç gerçekleri ortaya çıkarıyor. Küre değişik planlar için kullanılabilir ve daha doğrusu herşeyi planlayan küre olabilir. 

  • The Device V.K. dan izle

  • The Device Mail.ru dan izle

WWE Immortals 1.0.1 APK

WWE Immortals, the wrestling combat from developer Warner Bros has been updated in the Google Play Store with Multiplayer tournaments. This update is great, the new features allow you compete with players from around the world, and we’ve got the APK for you, as always. The APK file is available below.

WWE Immortals 1.0.1 APK

From the creators of Injustice God's Among Us and Mortal Kombat this game is amazing. The gameplay transforms various WWE superstars like The Undertaker,  Triple H, John Cena and many more into warriors, ninjas, mages, knights and monsters, then puts them in the epic battle with each other.

WWE Immortals is great they perfectly combined Mortal Kombat with the WWE. The game lets you build your ultimate team of WWE Superstars and Divas. You have to take your fight out of the ring and fight in 3-on-3 combat. If you enjoyed recent fighting games like Injustice and the latest Mortal Kombat, this one is right up your alley. It's just like injustice only with WWE people instead. Gamers who played Mortal Kombat 9 and Injustice will familiar with this.

The game itself is available for free to play and download. While the game is free to play, be aware that it also contains in-game purchases. And if you can't get it out on the Google Play Store, you can download WWE Immortals APK version 1.0.1 by clicking the link below.

What do you think of this newly released update and do you like the changes Warner Bros has made Multiplayer tournaments?

Requires Android: 4.0+
Download File: 30.2MB (WWE Immortals 1.0.1 APK)

WWE Immortals APK

Book of forgotten dreams

For eighteen years I have wanted the English translation of Georges Bataille's book La Peinture Préhistorique: Lascaux ou la naissance de l'art, ever since Maurice Blanchot's review essay appeared in the collection Friendship published in 1997. A strange yearning because Blanchot had summarised the content, so there was apparently nothing to gain and, what's more, I have never been a big Bataille reader, much preferring at university Blanchot's unparalleled prose to the jargon-scarred theory beloved of my fellow students who thought "transgression" meant wearing rubber.

Still, there was something withheld by this book, the actual thing, the physical object, in its absence. Unfortunately, the edition from Albert Skira's Great Centuries of Painting series, described by one scholar as a "highbrow coffee table book", has been out of print since 1955 and secondhand copies have always been too expensive, often approaching three figures. Until late one night last November when desultory book searching revealed one in good condition for under £50. In a moment of madness, I clicked Buy Now and sat back to dwell on the extravagance.

Taking delivery of a desired book often signals the end of possibility and the settling of melancholy in the prospect of the real thing finally arriving and dissolving the aura. And then there are the heavy demands of procedural content. Reading is bound to kill the possible book, the Platonic form revolving in your head, the edition of Bolaño's 2666 Kirsty Logan described a few years ago. So it was my good fortune that Prehistoric Paintings: Lascaux or the Birth of Art got lost in the post. For two weeks I waited, anticipating each furtive visit from the postman and panicking once he had left. How could I have been so careless to waste fifty quid?! Wasn't this punishment for transgressing the line between desire and its realisation?

In hope I walked to the post office depot to enquire. A queue lined the pavement outside. After fifteen minutes of standing around and shuffling forward in the cold, they said, Yes, they had a package for me but they couldn't hand it over because I didn't have a red card from the postman. What? But I'm here, now, so why not hand it over? No, that can't be done. At least let me see the parcel to prove to myself that it exists. No, that wasn't possible. They said they would have to redeliver it. Would tomorrow be OK? Yes, it would. This was good news, and I went home happy. Of course, the following day nothing arrived. I walked the post office depot again. The queue was even longer and, after half an hour of standing around and shuffling forward in the cold, the man behind the counter just shrugged. I went home unhappy and eventually gave up caring.

A few days later the bell rang and the postman handed over an A3-sized package. Having ordered a Radio Times holder as a gift for a telly addict, I had my doubts about what it contained and tore at the parcel carefully. The first thing exposed was the spine of a book. So just look at it for a moment, shining there.

The bright colours suggested a brand new book rather than one published sixty years ago. So this is what its absence withheld! On removing the cardboard slipcase and opening the book, five black and white postcards with serrated edges fell out.

Pasted on the inside cover were three visitor tickets to three different caves. Souvenirs of another life. When the previous owner visited is unclear, but Lascaux was closed to visitors in 1963.

These small discoveries were the prelude to the content.

A miracle occurred at Lascaux, Bataille says, a miracle that remains before us in the "clear and burning presence" of these paintings. His rapture is evident, and it is rare for a world-weary reader to feel he shares in the author's wonder, lifting the pages to see what's next and reading the words so large and clear that they could have been typed directly onto the page. A similar edition written by Captain Cook or Neil Armstrong might compare. The production values are such that the illustrations are separate items, pasted onto the page.

"What transfixes us is the vision, present before our very eyes, of all that is most remote. Of our presence in the real world."

The paradox in the words of the caption, that being close to ourselves whilst in proximity to what is most remote, is explained here as the "strong and intimate emotion" of religion or, better, "the sacred", to which the cave paintings are "more solidly attached to than it has ever been since". This is not religion as one more additional theory but as the catalyst of humankind, when the creature wandering the icy plains descended into the caves and, in the remove of darkness and solitude, set itself apart from the animal kingdom and discovered itself, codifying the cosmos with paint. As Richard White puts it, this is "not the sacred as the beyond, another realm of being that exists in opposition to this one—but the sacred as the deep reality of this life that we are typically alienated from". So we shouldn't include these moments perusing the book with the usual "Oh I like that" pleasures of the art gallery but as the kindling of the effects of art was it when born; that is, when we were born, perhaps the deeper feeling we have in galleries we have since been socialised to restrain. Whatever, the miracle is foundational.

Bataille says that in looking at the cave paintings in Lascaux "we are left painfully in suspense by this incomparable beauty and the sympathy it awakens in us", and something close to this is what I experience looking at the book, if this can be called an experience. One is not transported in awe towards fantastical otherness but toward a fog-bound interior, as comforting as it is alien. "It is as though paradoxically our essential self clung to the nostalgia of attaining what our reasoning self had judged unattainable, impossible." This is where I ask: what can be done with this suspense and sympathy if our reasoning self is how we measure experience?

The remainder of Prehistoric Paintings examines each area of the cave to elaborate the author's theory that art served as a channel for the animality enduring in the human community provoked by the taboos of death and sexuality. One reader, stepping forth with good reason, describes the book as "a lot of flowery writing that implies interpretations not necessarily supported by evidence", and it is this inevitable doubt and the scientific innocence that seems to me where the book is worthwhile. In his review, Blanchot suggests that it is from this subterranean overflow that humankind appears, because it reveals our separation from animals, over which we now recognise our power of life and death, and yet, at the same time, exposes us to a death blissfully unknown to animals, thereby weakening us. However, we modern humans value this unique quality over everything, so much that what Blanchot says weakened us is now what we believe makes us stronger.

"The marvelous never loses its impact"

Bataille criticises the "timidity" of scholars who speak "with undue reserve" of what they see in the caves and thereby neutralise the effect of the marvelous on their studies. The "marvelous" then is that which is "not necessarily supported by evidence", and it is only an accredited scholar's book, such as The Mind in the Cave (2002) that can provide such evidence. However, while David Lewis-Williams is a professor emeritus of the Rock Art Research Institute in Johannesburg, his book suggests Bataille's wonderment is vital for appreciating the caves, or at least to get closer to their creation. He explains that they were not created in sober rationality, not in the light of day but in states of consciousness we have devalued.

He prefaces his study by presenting "the greatest riddle of archeology – how we became human and in the process began to make art" (my italics), so we see that becoming human is the lacuna. There were Neanderthals in the Middle Paleolithic era who did not make art and then there are Homo Sapiens in the Upper Paleolithic who did. What caused the transition between animal consciousness and that of Homo sapiens?

Lewis-Williams runs through the intellectual history of attempts to explain the transition – Darwinian, Marxist, Structuralist and Evolutionary Psychological, though not Bataille's – before setting out studies of the art and beliefs of the San of southern Africa that were made before they were swallowed up by modernity. Homo sapiens have a higher consciousness than that of the Neanderthals, which allowed us to develop a fully modern language system, enabling us to "fashion...individual identities and mental 'scenes' of past, present and future events". But, crucially, we also have access to the lower end of the spectrum, altered states of consciousness such as dreams and trance states, brought on by communal rituals, dance and hallucinogens. Language enabled us to see these alternative realities, to hear inner voices and to articulate them to others. The cave paintings, Lewis-Williams argues, are attempts to fix these visions, to enable those who made them to touch "what was already there" in the spirit world. They are not representations of spirits but the spirits themselves.

These dreams, sounds and visions revealed a cosmological order. Humanity's creation of the sacred was thereby possible only because of altered states of consciousness. And while Lewis-Williams' prefatory sentence implicitly rejects Bataille's thesis that art as practised by early humans precipitated its own emergence, he is as critical of Western scientists as Bataille for neglecting what he calls "the autistic end" of the spectrum of consciousness. As a result, their studies follow a positivist route in which intelligence and rationality become the defining characteristics of humanity and the manifest destiny of early people was grow to become "more and more like Western scientists". They are made in their own image.

Yet we have the same neurological structure as early humans and, as Bataille reports, we respond with a curious, even painful sympathy to an art that transcends aesthetic pleasure. Cave painting, according to both Bataille and Lewis-Williams, is then not an addition to human society but constitutive of it. Lewis-Williams writes of the San that hierarchies developed according to those who had better access to the spirit world governing all life: "Art and religion were therefore socially divisive". Every member of a community had access to dreams and were keen to learn more, so were influenced by male and female "shamans" and took part in their rituals. Art and religion, art and the sacred, were indistinguishable and "image-making did not merely take place in the spirit world: it also shaped and created the world."

It is a world we have long left behind, with commonsense and the insomnia of scientific method having replaced superstition and shamanic dreams in shaping our universe. To most modern minds, this is an unquestionable good. But it leads to a troubling question: if humankind emerged and grew to be itself out of reverence for what was revealed in realms of consciousness we now not only neglect but regard with suspicion, even as intellectual taboo, is our existence vitally impoverished?

Perhaps my unaccountable wish to own a copy of Bataille's highbrow coffee table book reveals a buried giant of a need for the elemental in art more generally sublimated into gushing about "the wonder of nature". Such eruptions of the old fascination with dreams to be found in our confused response to art and artists, books and writers, movies and directors, and invariably contained by the intervention of biographical exposés, won't go away even in their diminished state, and indeed occasionally break through into polite society. It is implicitly approached in what has been recently labelled the Hard Problem of consciousness, itself a controversial outgrowth of cognitive science, and the explicit paradox of a debate dependent on its own immaterial space yet able to address it only in the autism of empirical discourse is the elephant in the room. However, to continue to the wildlife theme, it is suppressed, like moles on a bowling green, with the back of a humanist's spade. With this proscription of the sacred, however it is defined, deeply in place, it would seem a new kind of transgression is required. Except this is precisely the realm of true art. As Bataille writes: "only art expresses the prohibition with beseeming gravity, and only art resolves the dilemma [of proscription]. It is the state of transgression that promotes the desire, the need for a more profound, a richer, a marvelous world, the need, in a word, for a sacred world".

Zaman Makinesi (1960)

Ülke - ABD
Dil - Türkçe Dublaj
Yapım Yılı - 1960
Tür - Macera, Fantastik
Sitemizin Unutulmaz Filmler İzle Kategorisinde Bulunmaktadır

İyi Seyirler!


Irma la Douce ( Sokak kizi irma )

Irma la Douce
Sokak kizi irma
Yapım Yılı :  
Lisan :  
Turkce Dublaj
Tür :
Komedi / Romantik  
Yönetmen : 
Billy Wilder
Oyuncular :
Jack Lemmon / Shirley MacLaine / Lou Jacobi / Bruce Yarnell / Herschel Bernardi / Umut Tatil / Joan Shawlee / Grace Lee Whitney / Paul Dubov Howard McNear / Cliff Osmond / Diki Lerner / Herb Jones / Ruth Earl / Jane Earl / Tura Satana / Lou Krugman
Irma adında bir fahişe hem boşvermiş hem de sokaktaki satıcısından çeken bir kadındır. Sokaktaki kadınlar çalışırken satıcıları para kazanmakta ve meşhur barda harcamaktadır. Bir gün Fahişelerin çalıştığı sokağa atanan Fransız polis memuru Nestor, sokakta süren ticareti fark edip, baskın yapar. Polisle kadın tüccarları arasındaki anlaşmaya sekte vurunca da işinden olur. Sokağa düşen Nestor, İrma’ya aşık olmuştur. Onun diğer erkeklerle görüşmesini kıskanmakta ve bir çözüm aramaktadır… 

  • Irma la Douce Odno dan izle

  • Irma la Douce V.K. dan izle

29 Ocak 2015 Perşembe

Nights Keeper (do not disturb) v2.5.1 Apk

Nights Keeper (do not disturb) Android

What's New in Nights Keeper (do not disturb) v2.5.1 Apk
FIX: Android 5.0 and 5.0.1 vibration bug.
FIX: Finnish localisation fixes.

If you fed up to be worried by call or SMS during sleep or important meeting - this app designed specially for you.
Nights Keeper blocks all calls, but “white list” contacts will be able to go through. You can specify separate contacts or groups in your exceptions list.

You can create several profiles for different week days and time. In addition to the night profile, you can create the day profile too. It's important for those who work at night or like to take a nap afternoon. If you work by shifts app has solution for you as well.

If you decided to take in a movie or have important meeting, you can use «Don't disturb» profile that can be managed by home screen widget.

App can automatically send SMS notification to the blocked caller just to let him know that you are ok.
And if you are worry about urgent call from a contact not specified in your "white list", you can use «Emergency call» option. In this case caller will go through after several attempts.

You can specify night ringtone, special volume level and ascending ring.

App can help you to save your battery life by turning off Auto Sync, Mobile Network, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth at night.
Some features available only for PRO version. The license can be purchased by in-app billing. Support developer and get all application features on all your devices. Price is about $2.99.

Download Nights Keeper (do not disturb) Apk v2.5.1

Nights Keeper (do not disturb) v2.5.1 Apk Download
This App Release for android 2.2 and up.
Review on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nightskeeper

Download From External Link (Pass: ghtskid)

Other App you can Try: SLEEP AS ANDROID V20141224 BUILD 967 APK

The Booth Rap Studio Pro v1.9.4 Apk

The Booth Rap Studio Pro Android

What's New in The Booth Rap Studio Pro v1.9.4 Apk
-fixed twitter login and share (fb share fixes coming soon)

Get in The Booth! Have you ever had a dope punch line while driving or even while sitting on the toilet? No studio, no pen, no pad, no problem. Freestyle and upload beats on the go and be heard from around the world in The Booth.

Freestyle anytime, anywhere:
Get in The Booth and freestyle over the hottest beats on the go. With The Booth, your mobile device is your studio.

Share your hottest beats:
Want to get your beats heard? How about having people from around the world lay fire vocals over your beats? With The Booth, you become a worldwide producer.

Be heard:
Share your freestlyes and beats via facebook, twitter, text and email reaching millions of listeners.

Rate and be rated:
If you are a great freestyler or produce the best beats, you will be noticed. Get into the top rated lists when others rate your freestyles and beats.

Requires headphones for recording.
For optimal results, use wifi.

Download The Booth Rap Studio Pro Apk v1.9.4

The Booth Rap Studio Pro v1.9.4 Apk Download
This App Release for android 2.2 and up.
Review on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neb.theboothpro

Download From External Link (Pass: othebls)

Other App you can Try: djay 2 v2.0.1 Apk

Drift Zone v1.3.3 Apk

Drift Zone Android

What's New in Drift Zone v1.3.3 Apk
– optymalizations

Over 40 diffrent racing tracks are ready for the ultimate sports car driver to burn rubber and compete for gold in the best android racing game . Stunning graphics, Unique sports cars especially designed to achieve a realistic driving experience and challenging missions that require both real racing skills and xtreme coordination.

★If you are a drift racing enthusiast = This is the game for You!
★Burnout on each challenge = one set of your racing car tires burned!
★Just One rule = You can only score if you are driving sideways

With a wide range of racing cars all ready to drift race and lots of race tracks to compete on this stylish and exciting race game you can be sure you'll drive for hours...

Awesome Industries support safe driving, we strongly advise you not to drag race or perform any type of real racing if you are not a trained racing car driver. This game is intended to remain on you mobile and tablet and not to be taken to the streets, it is both illegal and dangerous to perform these activities.

In The Game:
✪ Fun - Pure car drifting free fun game play
✪ Speed - Drive cars at crazy speeds
✪ G-force on every turn
✪ Shiny rims - Lots of awesome upgrades for your racing car
✪ Awesome graphics - Real awesome 3D game graphics for racing tracks and cars
✪ 12 different seasons - Hours of real racing fun across 7 seasons.
✪ 30 different levels, and this is just the beginning!
✪ Car customisation - Personalise your car and make it yours
✪ bullet time -> NEW FEATURE helping drive your drifts to perfections
✪ leaderboards -> Race against your friends and reach the top

Download Drift Zone Apk v1.3.3

Drift Zone v1.3.3 Apk Download
This Game Release for android 4.0 and up.
Review on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ai.driftzone

Download From External Link (Pass: ailsone)

Other Game you can Try: MMX Racing v1.09.5974 Apk

UFB - Ultimate Fighting Bros v1.0.10 Apk

UFB - Ultimate Fighting Bros Android

UFB - Ultimate Fighting Bros v1.0.10 Apk Release for android 3.0 and up.

Put your gloves on and step inside the arena because it’s time for the big fight of the night! The Ultimate Fighting Bros are ready for a big fighting show! Choose to play the single or multiplayer mode and get ready for some hard-to-beat fun time. Can you win this epic combat? Find out now!
"Ultimate Fighting Bros is a great game for all fans of MMA fights like on UFC!" -- Jon Silva

Each fight is a best-of-three playoff and fighters have 3 lives during each round. Climb the walls of the arena and use strategy to grab your opponent from above and tackle him down, taking a life. A round ends when one of the fighters runs out of lives.

Unlock the Power Version to gain access to the unbeatable Power Matches of the Ultimate Fighting Bros. During Power Matches, several items might show up during the fights, making them much more exciting and unpredictable.
Some of the Power Matches items:
• Health - Pick to recover lives
• Freeze - Makes the walls slippery
• Electrify - Electrifies the floor and fighters lose a life on contact
• Blackout - Turns the lights off until the next hit

• Fun game inspired by Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
• Single and multiplayer mode: play against the device or against a friend
• Easy but challenging gameplay
• Power Version with awesome special items and powers
Recommended for people who enjoy martial arts such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Freestyle Wrestling, Judo, Karate, Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Sanshou or Sanda.

Download UFB - Ultimate Fighting Bros Apk v1.0.10

UFB - Ultimate Fighting Bros v1.0.10 Apk Download
Review on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.tapps.ufb

Download From External Link (Pass: apufbr)

Other Game you can Try: Punch Boxing 3D v1.0.3 Apk

Wrestling Revolution v1.750 Apk

Wrestling Revolution game

What's New Wrestling Revolution v1.750 Apk:
- Exclusive link to be the first to try the new 3D version!
- Controller support for NVidia Shield and MOGA Pro ("B" mode).
- Smashes against cage walls and barbed wire ropes once again score bonus damage.
- Financial goals are no longer set for players who are already wealthy.
- Job offers are more frequent.

Gaming's biggest wrestling universe is back and bigger than ever - now featuring over 350 characters and as many of them in the ring as your device can handle! And the revolutionary touch-screen controls are as satisfying as ever, as you tap, pinch, and swipe for intuitive fighting. This game harks back to the genre's 16-bit heyday where the fun comes first, and the versatile animation system means that anything could happen at any time!
Create your own immortal superstar and embark on an endless career full of possibilities, as you attempt to make the right moves backstage as well as in the ring. Or simply blow off steam in "Exhibition" matches of your own creation - where YOU make the rules, pick the players, and design the arena! Upon turning "Pro", your editing privileges even extend to saving your changes to all 9 rosters.

* Virtual buttons are available in the "Options". Please play through the tutorial for full instructions.
- TOUCH anywhere in the arena to walk towards it.
- SWIPE to run or trigger moves.
- TAP your opponent to attack that part of their body.
- PINCH to grab or pick-up.
- PART your fingers to taunt, pin, or cancel an action.
- Touch the clock to PAUSE the game, and then the arrow to EXIT.
- To set fire to a handheld weapon, press the R (Run) and P (Pick-Up) buttons simultaneously next to one on the ground. This torch can then be used to set fire to a larger item using the same command.

- Touch either side of a value or box to browse its contents left or right.
- When selecting characters, touching their slot once will display their stats and touching again will proceed to access them. Touch the company logo to choose a different roster.
- Hold your finger over a character slot to move it and switch with another. Move it to the company logo to switch rosters.
- At the calendar screen, touch any date to view its contents. Touch your character to edit them, touch their stats to train them, touch the company logo to view the whole roster, touch the match title to see an exact description of the rules.
- When setting up an exhibition, touch a character to replace them and touch the match title to change the rules. From that screen, touch the table icon to add weapons and touch the ring icon to edit the arena.
- Touch any speech bubbles to speed up conversations. Touch any other static screen to proceed as soon as possible.

- If you know your device can only handle a certain number of wrestlers onscreen, please specifiy this limitation in the "Display" options. Consider turning off secondary characters as well.
- If you find that your device struggles when viewing the many character slots, consider switching to "Basic" text and turning off the "Portraits".
* Please note that Wrestling Revolution depicts a fictitious universe and is not affiliated with any real wrestling promotions.

Download Wrestling Revolution Apk v1.750

Wrestling Revolution v1.750 Apk Download
This Game Release for android 2.2 and up.
Review on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.WRCareer

Download From External Link (Pass: Cairail)

Other Game you can Try: WWE PRESENTS: ROCKPOCALYPSE V1.1.0 APK

Art With Friends v2.2.8 Apk

Art With Friends

What's New Art With Friends v2.2.8 Apk:
- Bug Fixes

All new ways to draw, guess, and share with friends! Play Art With Friends and discover the Artist in you!
Get the premium version of Art With Friends and gain access to exciting new features for premium players only, including:
• Free Sparkle Pen (only available in premium)
• NO ADS between turns
• Free star and coin bonus
• 1000’s of new words
Wanna play for FREE? Art With Friends FREE is Available on Google Play!
Note: If you already have Art With Friends, switching to premium is easy! Your existing account, games, and colors will carry over once you log-in.
Create cool effects with dozens of new tools, patterns, stamps and colors - allowing you to transform even the simplest drawings into masterpieces.
For the first time ever, share your drawings in a feed for all of your friends to see! Follow your friends, celebs, and discover new artists - there’s always something new, funny and inspiring to check out!
...And There’s More!
• Gallery
A collection of all of your favorite drawings in one place
• Social Feed
Follow your friends, celebs, and discover new artists. Stay up to-date on all the latest drawings and games from your feed.
• All New Ways to Play
Earn coins for playing the Daily Guess and Daily Draw
• Tons of New Words
Over 5,000 new words! Including all new 9 letter words and phrases for daily draw
• More Drawing Tools
Limitless creativity at your fingertips! Try out the Pixel pen, Pattern pencil, Stamps, Marker, Highlighter, Crayon and more. Plus, choose from over 100 vibrant colors
• Free Draw
Draw anything. Try out your new tools, create and share something amazing
• Restricted Mode
Disable the Social Feed and
gallery using a PIN. You can still play turns with friends and contacts, but you won't see any social content

Download Art With Friends Apk v2.2.8

Art With Friends v2.2.8 Apk Download
This Game Release for android Varies with device.
Review on Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zynga.draw2.googleplay.paid

Download From External Link (Pass: aw2aiga)

Other Game you can Try: Hidden Object - The Cabin v1.0.6 Apk

Instagram 6.14.0 APK

Let's close out update this week with Instagram. It's not a very important update, with only a few small bug fixes and some improvements. But hey, an update is an update and we’ve got the APK for you, as always. This update is great it goes faster than the old one and the APK is available below.

Instagram 6.14.0 APK

Instagram for Android lets you take your pictures, add a customized filter, and post it to Instagram’s community or through other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare or Tumblr. Through the Instagram app, you can give “likes” and give or receive comments on your pictures.

A good app to be on your phone, spread to the world about your life and let the world know. Great way to connect with your friends, whether they're near or another country.

You can download the latest version of Instagram in the Google Play Store. Instagram has provided a quick change log of the Android update:
- Videos now automatically replay in feed. (This won't affect how much data the app uses).

And if you've been waiting to grab the latest APK file, now is the time to do. Download directly Instagram 6.14.0 APK at the link below and install it on your Android phone or tablet.

What do you think of this newly released update and do you like the changes Instagram has made videos automatically replay in feed?

Requires Android: 2.3.3+
Download File: 7.4MB (Instagram 6.14.0 APK)

Instagram APK

Grand Hotel Fleming - Roma

Geldi sıra yavaş yavaş Roma yazılarına...

Roma'da kaldığımız otel tur boyunca kaldığımız yerlerin en iyisiydi bence. Romanın biraz uzak semtlerinden birinde olsa da bir sorun yaşamadık ulaşım konusunda. Odalar ve banyolar temiz, kahvaltısı da çok çeşitliydi. Her gün otelin karşısında kurulan pazar da çok keyifliydi. Geç saatte acıkınca yemeklerimizi de otelin karşısında bulunan restoranlarda yedik. Fiyatları uygundu yemeklerde gayet lezzetliydi. Romada kalınabilecek otellerden birisi bence burası...


Bu arada booking.com'da bazı fotoğraflarda kötü görünen kısımlar ve banyolarda duş perdeleri var ama bizim odamız arka bahçeye bakan çok güzel bir odaydı ve banyoda perde yerine panel vardı.

28 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

Samatya ve yedikule'nin eski resimleri

Samatya ve yedikule'nin eski resimleri.

Silivri kapı,eski silivrikapı fotograflar,

Silivri kapı 1890 yıllarına ait oldugu salnılan güzel bir kare.

Yedukeleden topkapıya giden sur yolu,eski yedikule fotografları,

Yedikule'den topkapıya giden sur yolu cok güzel bir paylaşım daha.

Yedikule zindanları 1980,eski yedikule fotografları,

Yedikule zindanları 1980 yılına ait eski bir fotograf .

eski yedukele fotografları,

Yedikule 1938 yılına ait fir fotograf daha.
eski yedikule fotografları,
18.yıl sonralarına ait yedukuleden bir karpostal mukemmel ötsi.

Farklı kareler:Tarihe ve sanat'a sahip çıkan site...

Real Racing 3 3.1.0 APK

Real Racing 3 has improved with online racing and different events for its many players to check out. Following version 3.1.0, this new update takes players to better racing experience with new car manufacturer, new sticker vinyl and more. The game is being more solid and feels full-packed after the prestige update. It's like having Grand Turismo or Forza on your Android phone or tablet.

Real Racing 3

Real Racing 3 is by far the best racing sims currently available. An amazing mobile driving simulator with great gameplay, good graphics, and a wide assortment of cars like Mercedes-Benz, Bugatti, Chevrolet, Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini and Audi. For mobile gaming EA is doing a decent job with RR 3, it's a fun game that takes the graphics of mobile gaming. You are rewarded for managing your traction, and driving neat clean lines. The only way to achieve a high ranking against real players, is to actually drive like a race car driver.

You can download the latest version of Real Racing 3 for free in the Google Play Store. Electronic Arts (EA) has provided a quick change log of the Android update:
- Spadaconcept – An ambitious new manufacturer joins us with the Codatronca TS & Codatronca Barchetta
- Exclusive Worldwide Reveal – A prestigious manufacturer is about to announce a new vehicle... Be the first to take the wheel!
- Over 100 New Events – Spada Series & new Bonus Series
- 2 years of Real Racing – Get ready to celebrate the anniversary with special gifts

While the game is free to play, be aware that it also contains in-game purchases. And if you can't get it out on the Google Play Store, you can download Real Racing 3 APK version 3.1.0 at the link below.

What do you think of this newly released update and do you like the changes EA has made new events?

Requires Android: 4.0+
Download File: 43MB (Real Racing 3 3.1.0 APK)

Real Racing 3 APK


       İstanbul Avrupa Yakası sahil bandında Zeytinburnu'nda yapılan projenin en önemli özelliği deniz feneri benzeri tasarımı ile tüm dairelerinden kusursuz bir Marmara Denizi ve Tarihi Yarımada manzarası sunması. Ottamare Suites projesi ülkemizin prestijli konut projelerinde yer alan Sinpaş Yapı ile Katar firması olan ve tüm dünyada finans ve gayrimenkul yatırımları bulunan Barwa Holding ortaklığı ile oluşturulan Ottoman A.Ş. tarafından yaptırılmıştır.

       Ottamare Suites projesi doyumsuz manzarasının yanı sıra sahil yolundan Atatürk Havalimanına kolay ulaşımı ile dikkat çekiyor. Ayrıca deniz ulaşımının kullanılacağı projede ülkemizde ilk kez hayata geçirilecek deniz limuzini ile istenilen bölgeye kolay ve zahmetsiz gidilmesi sağlanacak. Kat bahçelerinin bir merdiven gibi sıralandığı projede 8 farklı suit seçeneği yer almaktadır. Her türlü konfor ve sosyal donatıların yer aldığı projede 355 adet residence konforunda suit bulunmakta.

       Ottomare Suites projesinin kaba inşaatını daha öncede Sinpaş Yapı'nın Bosphorus City projesinde karşımıza çıkan Dost İnşaat yapmıştır. Dış cephe giydirme ve teras bahçeleri açılır doğrama sistemlerini ise Zorlu CenterNish İstanbulFolkart Towersİstanbul Sapphire gibi projelerde adını duyduğumuz Dekoral Alüminyum yapmıştır. Dekoral Alüminyumun imalat ölçmeleri ve 3 boyutlu kaba imalat rölövelerini ise Şahin Harita yapmıştır.

Ottomare Suites Proje Künyesi:

Statik Proje: Büro Statik

Mimari Proje: Evrenol Architects

Mekanik Proje: Detay Mühendislik

Elektrik Projesi : Optimum Proje

Brave Frontier APK

The popular classic style role-playing game Brave Frontier for Android has been updated this week in the Google Play Store. Following version, this update is focused on various bug fixes: Stability fixes, Frontier Hunter fix, Trial 004 and other bugfixes that made it faster and stability improved.

Brave Frontier

Brave Frontier is a great time-sink for anyone who has nothing to do for a few minutes, or if you're willing to pay for gems, play hours on end. The game has a great character design, great story, great unit backgrounds and great progression system. You play as a Summoner with immense promise, you’ve been granted access to Grand Gaia, the world of the gods via Lucius’ Gate. You have to team up with your friends and develop your tactics to take on more than 100 missions throughout the land of Grand Gaia.

This game will have you playing for days. If you're a fan of any kind of RPG or "Final Fantasy" type game, then this Android mobile game may just appeal to you. As a free to play, Brave Frontier is really good to F2P player, because you don't have to pay anything. Just done the quest and simply login every day and many more gifts you can make a good team. But sometimes it depends on your luck, of course. While the game is free to play and download, there are in-app purchases available.

A fun and innovative take on the conventional RPG. The thing that makes this game so great is that the developer constantly fix issues. Regular updates and events ensure that players have new content to explore.

Will you be getting this Brave Frontier update? Check out the game in the Play Store and let us know your thoughts on this latest content update. And if you can't get it in the Play Store you can download Brave Frontier APK at the link below.

Requires Android: 2.3.3+
Download File: 48MB (Brave Frontier APK)

Brave Frontier APK

27 Ocak 2015 Salı

The Great Train Robbery ( Büyük Tren Soygunu )

The Great Train Robbery
Büyük Tren Soygunu
Yapım Yılı :
Lisan :
Turkce Dublaj
Tür :
Macera / Suç / Dram
Yönetmen : 
Michael Crichton
Oyuncular :
Sean Connery / Donald Sutherland / Lesley-Anne Down / Alan Webb / Malcolm Terris / Robert Lang / Michael Elphick / Wayne Sleep / Pamela Salem / Gabrielle Lloyd / George Downing / James Cossins / John Bett / Peter Benson
İngiltere’nin en meşhur kasa hırsızı Edward, arkadaşı Agar ve sevgilisi Miriam’la birlikte Kırım Savaşı’ndaki askerler için gönderilecek 12 ton altını çalmaya karar verir. Ama bunu tren hareket halindeyken yapmak zorundadırlar…

  • The Great Train Robbery M.ru dan izle

Kan Dökülecek (2007)

Ülke - ABD
Dil - Türkçe Dublaj
Yapım Yılı - 2007
Tür - Dram


Tetikçi Rehini (2009)

Ülke - ABD
Dil - Türkçe Altyazılı
Yapım Yılı - 2009
Tür - Western


17 Mucize (2011)

Ülke - ABD
Dil - Türkçe Altyazılı
Yapım Yılı - 2011
Tür - Dram, Tarih, Macera


26 Ocak 2015 Pazartesi


       Kargı Hidroelektrik Santrali, (HES) Çorum şehrinin Osmancık İlçesinde Kızılırmak Nehri üzerinde yer almaktadır. Proje kapsamında 13,50 metre yüksekliğinde baraj inşaatı yapılmıştır. Bu baraj sayesinde dört kilometrekare su toplama alanı oluşturulmuştur. Su alma işlemi için ise 11,6 kilometre uzunluğunda ve 9,80 metre çapında bir tünel inşaa edilmiştir. Projenin finansmanını Norveç'te enerji sektöründe faaliyet gösteren Statkraft firması yapmaktadır. 1895 yılından beri üretim yapan firmanın dünyanın bir çok ülkesinde enerji üretimi yapan tesisleri bulunmaktadır. Statkraft; ülkemizde ayrıca 2010 yılında açılan Adana/Karaisalı mevkiinde 85 GWh üretim yapan bir santrali ve Siirt ile Bitlis il sınırında Botan çayı üzerinde kurulu bir santralin işletmesini yapmaktadır. 

       Kargı HES projesinin inşaatını ise Gülermak A.Ş. üstlenmiştir. Gülermak firmasının içinde yeraldığı ve bizim incelediğimiz diğer projeleri ise;

Projenin en önemli kısmı olan tünelin açılabilmesi için 9,84 metre çapında Robbins model bir TBM kullanılmıştır.